ansar family

taking believers from faith to practice through companionship and community

Get paired with someone on this journey

what we do

We are a free platform created for 2 types of people. Those who would like to learn more about Islam and those who would like to mentor/teach about Islam. Don’t be nervous, we will be with you every step of the way.

Most new converts receive more love than they ever received in their life the day they accept Islam. Immediately after that, they experience a moment of silence. They are left on their own to figure out their new faith. We solve this problem by pairing them with a fellow believer and integrating them with the community through events.

Feel free to fill out the form above if you’re interested in becoming an Ansār and you will be contacted when it’s time for the launch

what those who accepted islam say

  • "I came to islam because i felt yearning for something. In life there is nothing but empty (Fleeting) happiness. In what my friends would tell me about islam was a different truth, Something like gravity, a direct connection to God and me. What made me decide on initiation was the thought of not taking my opportunity to be the best i could be for my hereafter, but the creator himself brought me closer, i truly do not believe it was my full will. He helped me ✨"

  • "Allah spoke to me about one year ago after ten years of atheism"

  • "Me wanting recognition with who I felt was truly my lord."

  • "How much it made sense and how even though it is such an old religion, it cannot be scientifically disproven. Also I have a lot of Muslim relatives on my mothers side"

  • "Searching for the truth, and tired of the hypocrisy of the Christian religion where I grew up, I always felt empty, and I always did it out of social duty. I always knew that the bible was tampered with and that Christians are not true Christians. I thought all religions were the same. But I was wrong, I found the path to the truth and it is a path that I plan to walk. Taken from the Hand of God."

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Building the largest Sadaqa Jariyah Network across the world, and anyone can be a part of it

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The Numbers

Here are some of the numbers showing Islam in America

  • 500 weekly

    Every week, more than 500 people convert to Islam in the US . This is an underestimation.

  • 80% Lost

    Number of Converts leaving Islam

  • 99.98% uptime
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